Every Night At Midnight

Every Night At Midnight

Group: St Nicholas Book Buzz

ShadowJudging Report – Klara Bunnemeyer, Anastasia Newton, Aggie Daley, Eleanor Pryor, Nimishka Prasad, Kate Wellington and Lucinda Crockett.

What we thought of shadow judging. 

As Shadow Judges we chose the Picture Book category of the 2024 CBCA short list books.

We read all six books and decided we would work on “Every Night At Midnight” by Peter Cheong. We also voted for this book to be the winner.

We were super excited to find out that our chosen book won the shadow judges award for the category.

Shadow judging was a very creative activity and we thoroughly enjoyed it. 

We liked it because it is a good way for kids to understand books and the way that they are created and made. 

We liked having a voice in the judging process.

Eleanor:  it was interesting and engaging it was a pleasure to read 

Kate: It was FUN

Anastasia- fun with a group of friends reading and talking about books

Nimishka:: We worked together on the creative response imovie, and we learned to work as a team. We talked a lot about understanding picture book writing techniques.

Amy our mentor was really great at helping us to understand how pictures and words (text) usually work together to make a great picture book.

We had many meetings with Amy talking about all the books and whether they were great reads or somehow missed the mark in attracting our interest or making sense to us.

Amy also organised a zoom meeting with author Katrina McKelvey.  Katrina spoke to us about picture books and the shadow judging experience.

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